One of the inescapable roles of a leader is that of reimagining the future for his organisation or institution. History is replete with the demise of many a successful organisation or institution when the leader failed to play his or her role on a continuous basis. On the other hand, every success story has had the imprint of two important leadership skills – imagining the future and the capability to execute a plan.
Higher education and the par shift : 2016-2020
Higher education landscape is well into experiencing another market disruption on account of a few factors including research driven rankings, macro-policy changes, entry of foreign players, emergence of digital-youth and behaviour, the coming of age of the start-ups, and so on. The leadership that is proactively engaged with these impending tectonic shifts will emerge among the new leaders. There is no gainsaying the fact that this disruption will marginalise the also-rans and those who are in denial.
Research led rankings:
As an opportunity, it is possible for the first time for a private university to rank ahead of a top IIT or an IIM in the most objective of surveys. The weightage to research output is going to go up to 40 percent in the rankings. And, this is just a first step. The globally renowned rankings peg this at almost 80 percent weightage!
Research by students during their late school years and during their college stay; has become very critical for their own careers which includes jobs and admissions into higher education institutions. Outstanding organizations like Google, Intel, Texas Instruments, Facebook end up giving a lot of weight to original work and papers published by students rather than just look at their CGPA. The Indian Institute of Science has 39000+ Scopus Indexed Articles. Vellore Institute of Technology has 6000+. How many Scopus Indexed Articles does your institution have?
Start-tip and business incubation on campus:
Google was founded on campus and angel funded by a professor, Rajeev Motwani. Every year dozens of new start-ups emerge from campuses in the leading universities globally. Indian story has just begun. Do you not want to be a part of this entrepreneurial energy being tapped and promoted on campus? Knowledge creation. IP funding by real world investors are all happening. The placement driven madness will be relegated to a third rate parameter in a few years time. Focus on the next wave. The wave of entrepreneurship.
Careers and courses:
Six out of the top ten career streams in 2010 did not even exist in 2004,as per a survey. The speed at which the world of professional careers changes will only accelerate. Just launching generic Engineering or management or law programs would not serve the purpose in the new era. Identifying new emerging areas, forging global partnerships, launching new era course and curriculum, links with industry for research and career opportunities will become a key skill in the new era.
Digital world:
The youth of today is a Digi-citizen. An engineering college entrant of 2016 was born in the post-Google era. He or she is born in a world that we learnt with great effort and by fighting our inertia. This generation does everything not just online but on their mobiles. 72 percent of the students access their programs on their mobile devices. I am sure you are aware of it.
Learning on mobile devices, on-demand learning, institutional brand building in the new digital world, customer acquisition using technologies are not a luxury anymore. Many institutions are already struggling. Many have got marginalised already. Some innovative ones are making rapid strides. They are not only grabbing a larger opportunity but also improving their operating efficiencies and margins significantly.
In short, the higher education landscape in India is dismantling her old structure. It is a new level playing field. New demigods are about to emerge. New institutional brands of 2025 are almost unknown today, perhaps! This is the time to seize the opportunity. We wish you the best.

Research being the pillar of a nation’s success is a simple fact that doesn’t need explanation. Starting from The Neanderthal Man who discovered fire through Industrial Revolution and German Panzers to the current Space Age and NuclearWeapons; the nation in the forefront of the world’s research scene has been the most powerful and dominant.
India with all her potential, fails miserably in this key aspect with our children being drilled to rote learning rather than innovation through school and college education. And our champions of education, the IITs only encourage the same with the ridiculous JEE. The same kids transform into brilliant geneticists, path breaking researchers, aerodynamic engineers, doctors, etc when they move to US/European universities. Then is it a surprise that we fare horribly in international rankings which are heavily reliant on research?
We need to usher in a change. Now!
Every child or young needs to be engaged in the process of innovation to ensure that the kid realizes his/her potential, the institution realizes his/her true potential and as a nation, we realize our true potential. Research in all its forms, path breaking, life changing, paradigm altering and even incremental research – needs to encouraged appreciated, nurtured and incubated.
That’s where we come in. Accendere works with students, educational institutions and corporates across segments to create incubate and capture intellectual property in terms of research, projects, ideas, papers, patents, etc. We help students tie research up with the career path, institutions leverage research in the publicity, admission academic reputation and ranking domains and corporate capturing valuable IP into tangible assets that can be brought into the asset base and achieve their true potential in valuations.
We dream of Innovative India.
Case One:
Let’s take a case of a doomed University relegated to the bottom of the food chain by the regulators breathing down its neck threating to shut it down and declining admissions. A simple initiative takes the biggest and smartest workforce in the University (its students pursuing their Bachelors in Engineering) and engages them on small research projects on an everyday basis. Students get pumped up, labs are setup in every corridor , mini copters launched race buggy’s pop up, and we end up with a great story to tell the market. The students have a good time, faculty get roped in , a good word of mouth starts spreading and before you know it admissions are back on track. Better admissions allows more investment and the inspection committee coming in is forced to acknowledge the change and grant the University grade-A putting it amongst the best in the country in a span of just two years. True Story! This is an ‘Accendere’ power story.
Case Two:
Students are a curious lot. But they are clever and perceptive. When a student comes across an article about how vaccines are a taboo in several and people avoid them, she starts questioning why vaccination can’t be made more fundamental. Injections and oral admission is tough. But if she can genetically imbue vegetables and fruits with vaccines; voila – you eat grapes you don’t get polio, the roti protects you from malaria and the apple keeps hepatitis away. This isn’t science fiction, just a project done by curious final year students in a Private University in India. The University engages 1000 students with posts docs from around the world and they produce fantastic research with papers published in Scopus indexed journals within a year:Such a change is possible, lets create a true 360 degree, all pervasive research ambience in your institution in our country.