Application Availability & Firewall

Application Availability & Firewall

A firewall is a type of gateway network system that keeps an eye on and regulates inbound and outgoing network traffic in accordance with preset security rules. Typically, a firewall creates a wall between an untrusted external network, like the Internet, and a trusted internal network.

A firewall is a type of gateway network system that keeps an eye on and regulates inbound and outgoing network traffic in accordance with preset security rules. Typically, a firewall creates a wall between an untrusted external network, like the Internet, and a trusted internal network.
Network and host-based firewalls are two common categories for firewalls. Network firewalls are hardware-based networks that filter traffic between two or more networks. Host-based firewalls regulate network traffic entering and leaving host computers while they are in operation.

Benefits of Firewalls:

  • Network Security: Firewalls help protect against unauthorized access, malware, denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, and other cyber threats by filtering and monitoring network traffic.
  • Access Control: Firewalls enforce security policies to control which network resources users and devices can access and restrict access to unauthorized users or malicious content.
  • Privacy Protection: Firewalls safeguard sensitive data and privacy by controlling the flow of information between internal and external networks and encrypting data transmissions.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Firewalls assist organizations in meeting regulatory requirements and industry standards related to data security, privacy, and confidentiality.
  • Incident Response: Firewalls log and monitor network activities, providing valuable data for incident detection, forensic analysis, and security incident response.



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