Storage (NAS & SAN)

Storage (NAS & SAN)

We offer networked storage solutions that help your business save on costs and improve its interconnectivity, based on your company’s specific needs.

Our solutions are designed to meet the capacity, performance and availability requirements of all your business applications whether those applications sit inside virtualized or non-virtualized environments. It is simply a matter of time before every small business grows and requires more space for data storage.

Network-Attached Storage: Network-attached storage (NAS) provides fast, simple, reliable access to data in an IP networking environment, serving files by its hardware component, software, or configuration. NAS solutions are suitable for small and medium businesses that require large amounts of economical storage shared between multiple users over a network. NAS systems are networked, purpose-built specialized computer appliances that are easy to manage and do not require extensive IT support, often lacking at smaller companies. And given that many small businesses lack IT departments, NAS solutions are easy to deploy, centrally manage and consolidate.

Storage Area Network: A SAN reorganizes storage in the common user network into an independent, high-performance network, known as block level data storage. SANs are primarily used to enhance traditional storage devices. They are typically assembled using three principal components: cabling, host bus adapters (HBAs) and switches. Each switch and storage system on the SAN must be interconnected and the physical connections must support bandwidth levels that can adequately handle peak data activities.

Storage  (NAS & SAN)
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